Wednesday, October 15, 2008

25 Ideas for GROWING Business

  1. E-mail Promotional Campaign
  2. Search Engine Utilization
  3. Direct Affiliate Programs
  4. Online Ad Campaign
  5. Direct Mail Campaign
  6. Events (high visibility at trade shows and events)
  7. Strategic Partnerships(utilization of reciprocal links)
  8. Telemarketing Campaign
  9. Local Daily Newspaper Campaign co-branded advertising with 72 newspapers)
  10. Sponsorship of Colleges and University- ( Co brand brand corporate identity in Computers labs , community areas and book stores)
  11. TV Commercials
  12. Radio Ads
  13. Co Branding with Software and Hardware Companies (Place logo on computers similar to XP or Computer processors.)
  14. Walking Billboards at Large Events (Similar to the football fans that paint their bodies team colors)
  15. Promotional Items (pencils, mugs, hats, etc)
  16. Weather Balloon or Hot Air balloon
  17. Coupons in Other Products Such as on the label of Mountain Dew
  18. My Space, You Tube and other Web2.0 sites
  19. Sponsorship of Presidential Candidate: For example hold a press conference and announce that the business company indorsed…..John Doe for President.
  20. Pay athletes to advertise through endorsements.
  21. Commercials on Cell Phones and PDAs
  22. Corporate Discount Programs, offered discount through other corporation’s websites and place co-brand your logo
  23. Community Involvement (sponsor little league games and community programs such as Habitat for Humanity)
  24. Allow Independent Developers Free Access to Develop Additional Programs for products.
  25. THROW A PARTY! - (invite as many people as possible, have drinks and have the logo displayed everywhere.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Ecommerce in Europe - A Good Opportunity

Going global...consider Europe as a first stop. Because of it's small language barriers and high income per capital ratio, it is an ideal choice. If you have an e Commerce business, Europe itself has the most expansive e-commerce policy.

Europe e commerce policy
eMarketer reaffirms its projection that pan-European e-commerce revenues will increase from $169.81 billion by the end of this year to nearly $1trillion by year-end 2004. Ongoing investment in the region’s information and communication technology infrastructure in spite of economic distress and a growing Internet user population constitute positive signs for Europe’s consumer and business-to-business (B2B) e-markets. (Emarketer, 2001)

E-Commerce Revenues in Europe, 2000-2004 (in billions)
2000 $34.30
2001 $68.89
2002 $169.81
2003 $415.97
2004 $979.83

Source: eMarketer, 2001 033339 ゥ2001 eMarketer, Inc.

Percent of Leading Global Companies Participating in On line Exchanges, by Region, 2001
North America 32.4%
Europe 41.7%
Asia-Pacific 21.2%
Global average 33.2%
Source: Computer Sciences Corporation, 2001 035605 ゥ2002 eMarketer, Inc.