Sunday, February 21, 2010

Higher Level of Standards of Management Consultant

Choosing a Mangement consultant can be a daunting task. According to Roberto Luongo, “Often managers face difficulties while selecting services of the right consultant for their respective needs. Choosing the best help from an outsider is a complex process, which requires special skills to ensure the end results.”

When assessing a consultant it is important to assess if a management consultant is an expert in their field, their ability to solve your problems, quality of work, cost, time of completion with the highest levels of ethical practices. My advice, choose a person that conforms to a governing board of industry standards that set the stands for excellence and ethics in consulting.

To provide my clients with the highest standard of service, I am pleased to announce my membership in Institute of Management Consultants (IMC). (click her for my public profile in the IMC) As stated in its bylaws, the mission of the Institute of Management Consultants USA is to promote excellence and ethics in management consulting through certification, education, and professional resources. IMC USA provides the only certification for individual management consultants in the US that conforms to the international standards of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes. ICMCI sets global standards of technical competence and professional conduct for consultants in more than 40 nations.

Keep Achieving,

NaShawn Branch
Management Consultant
Toll Free: 877-593-2085 x701
Cell: (901) 215-7640
Email: (blog)

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