Sunday, December 12, 2010

Smart Phone vs. Black Berry for Small Business

There used to be a time when the Blackberry was the phone of choice for corporations. In fact, Blackberry has 43% of the “corporate” market share. Recently, new Smartphones are gaining market share in the small to medium business arena. New business applications make the smart phone a cool alternative.

According to CNET, the best five smart phones fall into two categories: Android and iPhones. The top five smart phones are the Samsung EPIC 4 (SPRINT), Apple iPhone 4 (AT&T), Motorola Droid (Verizon), T-Mobile G2, and Samsung S (click here for article)

Android has over 80,000 apps and according to Small Business News, the top Android app that small businesses should be paying attention to is Layar. (Click here for the full listing)

iPhone boasts over 300,000 apps and according to American Express Open Forum, the top business app is Quick Office Mobile Office Suite. (Click here for full list)

Blackberry released a new Smartphone called the Blackberry Torch. Its touch screen features give a wink and nod to both iPhone and Android users. Although the Blackberry does not have as many apps as the Android and iPhone, it does possess a good catalog of apps appealing not only to the business world, but also for personal fun. It is also plans to compete with the iPad with its new tablet called, “Blackberry Playbook

Do you think that smart phones can compete with the blackberry in the small business marketplace?

Keep Achieving,

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